girls, girls, girls (2012)
This series is a continuation of a longstanding fascination with the tensions between societal norms and self-presentation. Working within the high school yearbook’s gridded format, Henry substitutes the headshots with drawings based on teenage girls from different eras, locations and social strata in an ambiguous gesture of shared identity. Using these drawings as masks, she shields her own face in photographic reenactments of the original and an empathetic parody of youth.
Fargo High School Senior Girls 1935, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013
Orlando High School Senior Girls 1977, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013
Shaker Heights High School Senior Girls 1960, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013
Dallas High School Senior Girls,1948, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013
Cedar Rapids High School Senior Girls 1991, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013
Northeast High School Senior Girls, Philadelphia 1982, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013
Scarsdale High School Senior Girls, 1988, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013
North Brunswick High School Senior Girls, 2000, 36 X 26 inches, digital archival inkjet print, 2013